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About OGTA

Literally, one girl to another

Welcome to One Girl To Another!


My name is Tana Ainsworth, and in a nut shell, I’m just a 30 something year old girl with a vision. A vision of creating a one-stop-shop women's basic clothing store/line ((basic white t-shirt anyone?)) But not just that! I want to be ALL women's go to.


So, if you’re anything like me, my arms are one of my least favorite parts of my body, so I want that basic white shirt to have longer sleeves. My stomach isn’t the most desirable thing either, so perhaps not tight fitting. I love to wear leggings, but, you know, cellulite, so perhaps it’s longer in the back. You get the point. 

I’ve been in the position where I change my clothes 10-20 times when I get ready because nothing fits right, and my passion is to help EVERY girl KNOW they have a place they can go to get quality clothes that they KNOW they will feel confident in.  


I’m just in the beginning stages, but I’m stoked to make this vision and dream a reality for not only me, but all of you! 

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